Course: 200 Hour Yoga & SEL Teacher Training


200 Hour Yoga & SEL Teacher Training

Yoga History, Philosophy, and Ethics


SEL Part 1


Video lesson

Mountain Pose

Mountain Pose – Samasthiti / Tadasana

🗻 🧘‍♀️ ⛰️


💪 🌟

Mountain Pose is the foundation of all standing poses in yoga. It embodies strength, stability, and proper alignment. The pose requires active engagement throughout the body while maintaining a strong, grounded connection through the feet. This is not a passive standing position, but rather an active pose that cultivates awareness, balance, and proper postural alignment.

Common Teaching Cues

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  • “Stand tall like a mountain, strong and unshakeable”
  • “Root down through all four corners of your feet”
  • “Imagine a string pulling you up from the crown of your head”
  • “Shoulders roll up, back, and down away from your ears”
  • “Engage your core as if preparing for someone to push you”
  • “Turn your palms forward, feeling the external rotation in your shoulders”
  • “Lightly tuck your tailbone under, maintaining length in your spine”

Cueing Script

🌬️ 🧘‍♀️

1. Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart

2. (Inhale) Stand tall, spreading your toes and pressing evenly through all four corners of your feet

3. (Exhale) Engage your quadriceps lightly, drawing the kneecaps up

4. (Inhale) Roll your shoulders up toward your ears

5. (Exhale) Draw them back and down, creating space between your ears and shoulders

6. (Inhale) Turn your palms forward, allowing external rotation in the shoulders

7. (Exhale) Engage your core and glutes lightly, creating a subtle posterior pelvic tilt

8. (Inhale) Lengthen through the crown of your head, growing an inch or two taller

9. (Exhale) Ground down through your feet while maintaining the activation throughout your body


✨ 🎯 💪
  • Improves posture and body awareness
  • Strengthens the ankles, knees, thighs, and core
  • Develops balance and stability
  • Aligns the spine and reduces back pain
  • Creates a foundation for proper alignment in other poses
  • Engages and tones the muscles of the legs and core
  • Increases proprioception and body awareness
  • Promotes mental focus and concentration
  • Helps establish proper breathing patterns
  • Reduces flat feet by strengthening the arches